by admin | Jul 22, 2015 | blog
Up on Holy Cross our field work varies week to week, Our tasks bounce around from rock work and other trail maintenance to patrolling campsites. Sometimes we hike to alpine lakes throughout the Holy Cross Wilderness to see what kind of impact people are putting on...
by admin | Jul 20, 2015 | blog
For the past few years I have been doing trail work deep in the wildernesses of Idaho and Montana. The majority of my work has been logging-out trails, which is where you cut and clear a log that is obstructing a trail. It’s extremely fun work and mentally...
by admin | Jul 16, 2015 | blog
   I had never been West of the Mississippi River till I was 20, and barely camped or cared to venture into the woods between the ages of 12 to 19. Such things as bear sightings were an abstract fear for most of my life. Throughout several years of working in...
by admin | Jul 9, 2015 | blog
Let me be honest with you, deep down, I’m lazy. If I can take the escalator instead of the stairs, I will. My natural disposition for sloth, however, makes me a great trail worker. It means I’m willing to push through that extra bit of pain for all the more candy...
by admin | Jul 9, 2015 | blog
Summer has finally arrived (for a while I was thinking it wasn’t coming this year) and phase two of the El Diente project is in full swing! Phase two is all about restoration of the old trail that which we re-routed last season. We are all packed in,...
by admin | Jul 7, 2015 | blog
There is something intrinsically invigorating about an end of the day and being in the state of whole and utter physical exhaustion. For all who know the feeling, they can recall that even the achievement of soreness by dusk is somewhat sensational. I was working...